Substitution for copper inYBa2Cu3Oy: The first 3%

A systematic study of published data on the effects of substitution of transition and nontransition metal ions for copper in YBa2Cu3Oy suggests that: (a) limiting behavior can be deduced for its effect on both the critical temperature Tc and the spontaneous strain (SS) from studies on closed-shell dopants (Ga/Al,Zn); (b) the cross correlation between initial values (0%-3%) for dTcd(%M) and d(SS)d(%M) provides the definitive discrimination between preferential occupation of the Cu(1) and Cu(2) sites; and, (c) selective doping applies to open-shell [Fe3+, Co3+ in the Cu(1) site and Ni2+ in the Cu(2) sitel ions as well as closed-shell [Ga3+ and Al3+ in the Cu(1) site and Zn2+ in the Cu(2) sitel ions. It can be further suggested that charge selectivity may well be at the root of the site selectivity expressed in these chemically complex materials.