1. The gills of the nymph of Ecdyonurus consist each of a gill plate and a proximal gill tuft. The gill plate of the first gill is reduced in size while the seventh gill possesses no gill tuft. 2. By movements of the gills, currents are set up in the water which are symmetrical with the body axis, and which pass from the sides of the body upwards to the mid-dorsal line and backwards. Members of pairs beat synchronously and in phase with each other. 3. Each gill pivots on its pedicel and moving backwards and upwards, increases its angle of incidence with the water through which it passes. This phase is the effective part of an oscillation and is brought about with the posterior gill surface in the leading position. The recovery beat is effected by the gill turning so as to place the anterior border in a leading position. The direction of flow is largely determined by these gill movements. 4. The gills beat in metachronal rhythm from before backwards, the time phase difference between adjacent gills being so small as to make the gills appear to work together and without rhythm. The rhythm, however, is important in setting up suction and compression phases, the compression phase occurring during backward effective movement, the suction during forward recovery movement. Compression expresses itself as a flow from between the gills upwards and backwards, suction as a flow into the intergill space from the sides and below. 5. The principles of gill movement in relation to water flow in Caenis, Leptophlebia and Ecdyonurus are compared. 6. The currents and gill movements in adaptation to environment are briefly discussed. 7. Campaniform sense organs occur on both surfaces of the gill plates and it is suggested that these are concerned with informing the animal of changes in the environmental flow of water.