In order to estimate the dimensionality of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, factor analysis was applied to a 30 by 30 intercorrelation matrix of the WISC and four reference tests. The 10 standard WISC subtests, except Coding, were split into two, three, or four parts to yield as many variables as possible. Ss, were 111 Negro pre-school children; mean age, 6 yr. 1 mo.; the mean full scale IQ was 84. Evidence is presented supporting 10 statistically significant orthogonal dimensions. Not all factors are perfectly congruent with the subtest structure of the WISC or concordant with the results of prior factorizations of the WISC at the pre-school level. There is no factor for Block Design apart from Picture Arrangement. The Digit Span subtest splits involve three different WISC factors, two are from the performance section of the test and one is from the verbal section. Coding is involved in only one factor; Manipulation of Areas, one of the non-verbal reference tests. At least 7 of the 10 significant pre-school factors are readily identified by WISC subtests or combinations of WISC subtests.