Thermomagnetic Gas Torque in Apparatus with Varied Dimensions

An axial magnetic field causes a rarefied gas to exert a torque on a heated cylinder (r) suspended in a gas chamber (R) . The torque is a peaked function of both H and of p and is related to the Senftleben effect in dilute gases. The direction of the torque is independent of pressure (0.001 < p < 4 torr) and of chamber dimensions. The shape θ(H) of torque peaks is the same for N2, CO, and CH4 and is independent of pressure and of chamber dimensions for R / r >̄ 1.3 . The shape is identical to that of the transverse thermal conductivity and wider than that predicted by the volume effect theory of Levi and Beenakker (L–B). The O2 torque shape is pressure dependent and can be represented accurately as the sum of two component peaks related to the J = K and K ± 1 states of O2. The position H0 / p of the torque peak is almost independent of chamber dimensions for p > 0.05 torr . The size of the torque varies as (p lnR / r)−1 for p > 1.0 torr , in agreement with both volume and surface effect theories. The torque varies as p1.5 for p < 0.01 torr . The measured 0 for N2 above 1.0 torr agrees with the L–B volume effect theory for R / r = 18 but drops to 25% of the theory as R / r is decreased to 1.07 and (R − r) to 1.5 mm. Also for (R / r) = 1.5 mm , the entire HD torque curve and the O2 and NO torques for H > 10H0 reversed direction. These data support the validity of the second‐order Chapman Enskog approximation used in the volume effect theory and suggest that a reverse surface creep flow becomes important for chambers with small wall spacings.