Alterations in p53 and p16INK4 Expression and Telomere Length during Spontaneous Immortalization of Li-Fraumeni Syndrome Fibroblasts

Normal cells have a strictly limited growth potential and senesce after a defined number of population doublings (PDs). In contrast, tumor cells often exhibit an apparently unlimited proliferative potential and are termed immortalized. Although spontaneous immortalization of normal human cells in vitro is an extremely rare event, we observed this in fibroblasts from an affected member of a Li-Fraumeni syndrome kindred. The fibroblasts were heterozygous for a p53 mutation and underwent senescence as expected at PD 40. In four separate senescent cultures (A to D), there were cells that eventually recommenced proliferation. This was associated with aneuploidy in all four cultures and either loss (cultures A, C, and D) or mutation (culture B) of the wild-type (wt) p53 allele. Loss of wt p53 function was insufficient for immortalization, since cultures A, B, and D subsequently entered crisis from which they did not escape. Culture C has continued proliferating beyond 400 PDs and thus appears to be immortalized. In contrast to the other cultures, the immortalized cells have no detectable p16INK4 protein. A culture that had a limited extension of proliferative potential exhibited a progressive decrease in telomere length with increasing PD. In the culture that subsequently became immortalized, the same trend occurred until PD 73, after which there was a significant increase in the amount of telomeric DNA, despite the absence of telomerase activity. Immortalization of these cells thus appears to be associated with loss of wt p53 and p16INK4 expression and a novel mechanism for the elongation of telomeres.