Embedding of the Brueckner Approximation in the Extended Jastrow Scheme

A nonperturbative derivation of the Brueckner approximation to the ground-state energy of nuclear matter (with standard choice of hole and particle energies) is given within the framework of the method of correlated basis functions. The structure of the factor-cluster (FIY) expansion of the expectation value of the Hamiltonian with respect to a trial function incorporating short-range correlations in a general fashion, is analyzed for a uniform extended medium of fermions. With a special choice of correlated wave function, the Brueckner approximation is extracted from the FIY expansion by selective summation of two-body combination terms to all orders in the smallness parameter κ associated, in this case, with both Brueckner-Bethe-Goldstone and FIY energy expansions. A reexamination of the numerical comparison of conventional Brueckner and Jastrow methods carried out earlier for two simple models of nuclear matter leads to the conclusion that it is inadvisable, at least in a Jastrow calculation satisfying the average Pauli condition, to incorporate the O(κ) contribution of the analog of the dispersion correction of reaction-matrix theory without at the same time including the O(κ) contribution of the analog of the Bethe-Faddeev term. For the uniform extended medium for the Jastrow choice of wave function, there is a formal cancellation of these two three-body contributions, the scale of this cancellation being governed by the size of κ. In the numerical example considered, κ is about 0.22 and the cancellation goes something like +14 MeV-15 MeV=-1 MeV. These findings, when juxtaposed with the standard Brueckner results for the simple models in question, suggest that a departure from the standard prescription of hole and particle energies in reaction-matrix theory may be necessary when κ is sizeable-as in liquid He3 and the high-density neutron gas, as well as equilibrium nuclear matter described with some potentials.