Calculations of ionization cross sections have been performed for removing electrons from 2s and 2p levels in hydrogenlike atoms by heavy-charged-particle impact using the binary-encounter approximation (BEA). The ratio of σLIIσLI is predicted to peak when the projectile has a velocity equal to 0.3 times the velocity of the atomic electron. Experimental values of σLIIσLI, in agreement with Born predictions, peak at a velocity significantly lower than that predicted by BEA calculations. By transforming to coordinate space in an approximate way, predictions for the impact-parameter dependence are made. In the 2s case, the ionization probability has a pronounced local minimum for impact parameters near half the atomic radius, corresponding to a node in the 2s wave function. The ionization probabilities for arbitrary charged particles on arbitrary targets may be easily found by applying scaling laws to values tabulated over a wide range of projectile velocities.