The existence of an excited state in He4 may be investigated by bombarding these nuclei with a mono-energetic beam of protons and looking for a group of inelastically scattered protons corresponding to excitation of the state. Using this technique at a bombarding energy of 32-Mev, Benveniste and Cork found no evidence of a state in He4 of excitation energy less than 23 Mev. The 40-Mev beam of the Minnesota proton linear accelerator has been used to extend the search for a state in He4 to higher excitation energies. A gas target was bombarded and particles emitted at forward angles were detected in a scintillation counter which measured their energy. By observing the energy loss in traversing thin foils, the masses of the emitted particles were determined. Elastically scattered protons and recoil He4 were seen, as well as deuterons and recoil He3 from the ground state (p, d) reaction. A continuum of protons from (p, 2p) and (p, pn) reactions was observed. No evidence was found for a group of inelastically scattered protons corresponding to excitation of a state in He4 of energy less than 28 Mev.

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