Nearly monoenergetic electrons in a collimated beam have been directed at normal incidence onto a variety of thick targets ranging in atomic number from Be to U. The ratio r(θ,E0,Z) of the number of retrofugal (i.e., energetic secondary plus backscattered primary) electrons per steradian to the number of incident primaries has been measured for a total of 11 targets. The mean energy E0 of the incident electrons was varied from 0.5 to 10 MeV and the dependence of r upon θ explored for angles between 90° and 180° with respect to the forward beam axis. For targets having Z29 the angular distributions are independent of E0 and are described by cos1.35θ; but for targets with Z13, r(θ,E0,Z) depends upon all three parameters. Typical values obtained for the retrofugal flux coefficient range from r(180,10 MeV, 4)=1.2 milliunits/steradian for Be to r(180,0.5 MeV, 92)=274 for U. These generally are higher than those reported previously.

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