Electron spectroscopic determinations ofMandNcore-hole lifetimes for the elements Nb—Te (Z=4152)

Photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to determine M and N core-level widths for the elements Nb—Te (Z=4152). The analysis is based on direct comparisons of the lifetime contributions to different core levels. Absolute determinations are made for the narrow 3d levels. In the metals Nb—Rh (Z=4145) an M4M5N45 Coster-Kronig decay channel is observed through a broadening of the 3d32 core-electron lines. The rate of this Coster-Kronig process is found to have its maximum for Ru and Rh. For Pd a much reduced, but still significant, broadening of the 3d32 level is detected. This observation is discussed in terms of itinerant versus quasiatomic contributions to the Coster-Kronig process. For Z47 (Ag) the Coster-Kronig channel is closed. For Nb—Rh the M4M5N45 process can be used for absolute determinations of the 3d linewidths. In this connection also the properties of the M45N45N45 Auger process are discussed. The accuracy of the present method makes it possible to investigate small differences between the 3p12 and 3p32 level widths. For several elements the unusual result is obtained that the 3p32 level is broader than the 3p12 level. This finding is in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The 4s and 4p spectra of the currently investigated elements are strongly influenced by configuration-interaction (CI) effects. However, the 4s line shapes are found to be quite normal for all the 5th-period elements. For Z45 (Rh) the 4p12 level is found to be broadened due to N2N3N45 super-Coster-Kronig processes. For Z46 (Pd) the shape of the 4p32 core-electron lines can reasonably well be reproduced by broadened 3d52 line profiles. For Z47 (Ag) this can, however, not be achieved. This marks a transition into a...