Adrenergic innervation of the human gall bladder

Adrenergic innervation of the human gall bladder was studied using two specific fluorescence histochemical methods. Blue-green fluorescing varicose nerves were scarce and mostly followed the course of blood vessels as typical perivascular plexuses. However, some adrenergic nerves not associated with the vessels were occasionally seen, as well as structures suggestive of a pericellular arrangement of varicose adrenergic nerve terminals on non-fluorescing ganglion cells. A few enterochromaffin cells were seen in the epithelial lining, also in the deep invaginations obviously representing the Aschoff-Rokitansky sinuses. Occasionally, small rounded cells with a rounded, relatively large nucleus, and exhibiting a weak yellow-green to blue-green granular cytoplasmic fluorescence, were observed in the wall of the gall bladder. The possible functional and evolutionary significance of these neural and endocrine elements was discussed against the data on physiological and pharmacological studies obtained from the literature. It was concluded that their significance is, in all probability, secondary to the influence of the intestinal polypeptide hormones, vagal innervation and circulating catecholamines upon the normal function of the gall bladder. The glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence histochemical method was found to be superior to the conventional formaldehyde technique in studies on human tissue.