Proton Angular Distributions fromZn64,66,67,68(d, p)Reactions

Angular distributions and Q values were determined for proton groups from (d, p) reactions with isotopically enriched targets of Zn64, Zn66, Zn67, and Zn68. The incident deuteron energy was 10 Mev. The angular distributions were fitted by Butler curves, from which values of ln were determined, where ln is the orbital angular momentum of the captured neutron. The fits were only fair, presumably because the Butler theory cannot be expected to give good fits at Z=30 without modification. In addition, several peaks are evidently superpositions of closely spaced, unresolved groups with different ln. Well-resolved empirical distributions which appear to correspond to ln=0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 were observed; these serve to indicate in which direction the Butler curves should be shifted, thus increasing confidence in the correctness of the values of ln which were assigned. For Zn64(d, p) we find Q=5.71 Mev with ln=1 and 3, Q=4.89 Mev with ln=1 and 3 or 4, Q=4.43 Mev with ln=2, Q=3.86 Mev with ln=0, and Q=3.31 Mev with ln=perhaps 2 and 4. For Zn66(d, p) the results were Q=4.76 Mev with ln=1 and 3, Q=4.38 Mev with ln=1 and 3 or 4, Q=3.85 Mev with ln=2, and Q=3.15 Mev with ln uncertain. For Zn67(d, p) we find Q=8.01 Mev with ln=3, Q=6.90 Mev with ln=1, Q=6.13 Mev with ln unknown, and Q=4.52 Mev with ln=perhaps 1 and 3. For Zn68(d, p) the results were Q=4.22 Mev with ln=1, Q=3.78 Mev with ln=4, and Q=3.40 with ln=2.