Large-Nexpansion of (4-ε)-dimensional oriented manifolds in random media

The equilibrium statistical mechanics of a d-dimensional ‘‘oriented’’ manifold in an (N+d)-dimensional random medium are analyzed in d=(4-ε) dimensions. For N=1, this problem describes an interface pinned by impurities. For d=1, the model becomes identical to the directed polymer in a random medium. Here, we generalize the functional-renormalization-group method used previously to study the interface problem, and extract the behavior in the double limit ε small and N large, finding nonanalytic corrections in 1/N. For short-range disorder, the interface width scales as ω∼Lζ, with ζ=[ε/(N+4)]{1+(1/4e)2u[(N+2)2][(N+2)2/(N+4)] [1-4/(N+2)+...]}. We also analyze the behavior for disorder with long-range correlations, as is appropriate for interfaces in random-field systems, and study the crossover between the two regimes.