Low-Temperature Galvanomagnetic Effects in Bismuth Monocrystals

Measurements of the Hall coefficient and magnetoresistance have been made on bismuth monocrystals at liquid helium temperatures in the range from 3 kilogauss to 16 kilogauss for all principal crystallographic orientations. Two complete sets of oriented crystals were used, one set was grown from unpurified bismuth, the other from zone-refined bismuth. Pronounced de Haas-van Alphen type oscillations were observed with the same periods for both galvanomagnetic effects. For a given orientation of the magnetic field with respect to the crystal axes, the periods were in good agreement with the values found in the de Haas-van Alphen effect and were independent of current direction. Impurities were found to have little effect on the period but a large effect on the amplitude of the oscillations and on the monotonic component of both magnetoresistance and Hall effect.

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