Gamma Rays from Excited Levels inAl25

To measure the energy of γ rays following resonances in the Mg24(p, γ)Al25 reaction, thin targets of natural magnesium have been bombarded with protons. The radiation of the resonances at 222, 418, and 825 kev proton energy have been investigated, and the γ-ray spectra have been observed with a single NaI(Tl) crystal scintillation counter and a Hutchinson and Scarrott pulse height analyzer. Several γ rays are identified in the spectra, corresponding to transitions from excited levels in Al25 at 3.08±0.03, 2.69±0.02, 2.50±0.06, 1.80±0.02, 0.95±0.08, and 0.45±0.06 Mev energy.