An essentially synthetic liquid medium for Entamoeba histolytica

An essentially synthetic medium has been developed for the cultivation of Entamoeba histolytica in association with organism t. It consists of buffered saline solution containing trace minerals, twelve amino acids, ten synthetic vitamins of the B complex, nucleic acid, cholesterol and rice starch. Cultures have been carried continuously in this medium for a period of eleven months.We are greatly indebted for materials used in this study to the following: Drs M. S. Dunn, J. J. Eiler, D. M. Greenberg, L. D. Greenberg, E. E. Howe, H. D. Lightbody, H. S. Loring, H. Molitor, E. D. Stewart and E. L. R. Stokstad.The authors wish to acknowledge the valuable advice and material aid provided by Drs Gladys Emerson and Gilberto G. Villela during the initial phase of this study.