Treatment of Cryptosporidiosis With Paromomycin

Cryptosporidiosis continues to be one of the most devastating complications of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, causing severe, chronic diarrhea that is largely refractory to treatment. More than 60 drugs have been tried in the treatment of cryptosporidiosis, none of which have been consistently successful. We describe the successful treatment of cryptosporidiosis in five patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with oral paromomycin at a dose of 1500 to 2000 mg/d. All five patients had resolution of symptoms and normalization of bowel movements, although one patient later relapsed while receiving paromomycin. Three of five patients clearedCryptosporidiumfrom the stool. Paromomycin is a promising therapy for cryptosporidiosis in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and further prospective clinical trials are warranted. (Arch Intern Med. 1992;152:2497-2499)