exrB: amalB-linked gene inEscherichia coliB involved in sensitivity to radiation and filament formation

SUMMARY: PAM 26, a radiation-sensitive mutant ofEscherichia colistrain B, is described. Its properties are attributable to a mutation in a gene,exrB, which is cotransducible withmalB. It differs fromuvrA(alsomalB-linked) derivatives of strain B in being sensitive to 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitroso-guanidine and γ-radiation, and in being able to reactivate UV-irradiated phage T3. It differs fromexrA(alsomalB-linked) derivatives of strain B in forming filaments during the course of normal growth as well as after irradiation. WhenexrBwas transduced into a K12 (lon+) strain, filaments did not form spontaneously. Three-point transductions established the order of markers asmet A malB exrB. Based on an analysis of the frequency of wild-type recombinants in a reciprocal transduction betweenexrAandexrBstrains, it was inferred that they are not isogenic and that the order of markers ismalB exrA exrB.