Juvenile Gout With Brain Involvement

JUVENILE GOUT is acknowledged to be a rare disorder, and its association with a central nervous system disorder is an even more unusual occurrence. This fact is borne out by the paucity of reports despite the long-recognized clinical entity of gout. Only about 15 accounts of gout in children under 10 years of age have appeared in the world literature since the early 1920's. Prior to this, few isolated reports of juvenile gout were made, eg, those of Gairdner (1854)1 and Garrod (1876).2 Sydenham (1683)3 indicated considerable interest in the disorder, probably engendered by his own affliction at the age of 25 years, but in his classical description he stated he had not encountered a case of gout with onset earlier than 25 years. Brøchner-Mortensen (1858)4 pointed out that in his own series of 100 cases and those of Scudamore (1866),5 Williamson (1920),6