Schwann Cell Internuclear Distances in Developing Rat Unmyelinated Nerve Fibers

The interrelation of Schwann cells in developing rat cervical sympathetic trunk was studied by measuring distances between consecutive Schwann cell nuclei in teased unmyelinated nerve fiber bundles (Remak fibers). From 300 to 400 inter-nuclear Schwann cell distances (INDs) were measured at ten days and 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, and 16 weeks after birth. Median INDs increased from 54mum at ten days to reach adult values (90mum to 100mum) at 16 weeks of age. Mean axonal diameters measured in the contralateral cervical sympathetic trunk increased from 0.57mum to 0.69mum during the same period. Developmental changes in median INDs of Schwann cells correlated significantly with age but did not parallel increases in axonal diameter.