The role of muscular tension in the comparison of lifted weights.

To determine the possibility of a peripheral theory of the perception of lifted weights, an electromyographic record of the perform- ance of one trained subject was obtained during the judg-ment of 127 wt. pairs. Two categories of judgment, H and L, were allowed. The results showed differential trends in muscular action related to particular judgment categories, and reliably differential prediction from action level to category was obtained. The judgment of lifted wts. appears to be a function of the ratio of muscular action during standard lift to that during variable lift. The wt. value which indicates equality in standard-variable muscular ac-tion corresponds closely to that which indicates equality in judgment. The close correspondence between properties of muscular action during wt. lifting and properties imputed to "Einstellung" and "physiological trace" suggests that these concepts may be reformulated into a peripheral theory of the perception of lifted weights.