The Role of H2O2-Generated Myoglobin Radical in Crosslinking of Myosin

The mechanism of myoglobin/H2O2 derived peroxidation of myosin was studied by comparing the catalytic activity of myoglobin and horseradish peroxidase using O-dianisidine, N-acetyl tyrosine and myosin as substrates. It was found that both hemoproteins induced myosin crosslinking and concomitant tyrosines oxidation to bityrosines, suggesting inter-molecular coupling of tyrosines in the crosslinking. The enzymatic activity of both hemoproteins on myosin was weak compared to small substrates. While horseradish peroxidase was much more active than myoglobin on small substrates, the reverse was true for myosin peroxidation. Since the suicidal interaction of myoglobin with H2O2 forms unstable tyrosine radicals, we suggest that the increased activity of myoglobin on myosin results from an efficient electron transfer between surface tyrosines of myosin and myoglobin but not horseradish peroxidase. These conclusions were supported by evidence that sperm whale myoglobin, which contains two active tyrosines -the heme-adjacent (tyrosine-103) and the surface (tyrosine-151), is more active as a mediator of myosin peroxidation than horse heart myoglobin which is devoid of the surface tyrosine.