Isospin-Forbidden Particle Decay of the FirstT=32States inBe9andB9

The particle decays of the first T=32 state in Be9 (B9) have been studied by the Li7(He3,pn) reaction at E(He3)=10.0 MeV (8.7 and 7.95 MeV). Protons (neutrons) emitted at 0° were detected in coincidence with decay neutrons (protons). Neutron energy was determined by the associated-particle time-of-flight technique. The ratios of partial neutron (proton) widths to the ground and first excited states of Be8 to the ground-state radiative width Γγ0 are found to be, respectively, 6.4 ± 2.0 and 20.4 ± 4.6 for the Be9 analog state (B9). Taking Γγ0=10.5±1.5 eV, these results give Γn0=67±26 eV, Γn1=213±56 eV, Γp0<18 eV, and Γp1=147±30 eV for the mirror decays.