The Effect of Diethylstilbestrol and Diethylstilbestrol Dipropionate on Carcinoma of the Prostate Gland. I. Clinical Observations

7 cases of adenocarcinoma of the prostate were treated during the past 2 yrs. with diethylstilbestrol or diethylstilbestrol dipropionate. Both prepns. were dissolved in oil, and adm. was always by intramusc. route. A patient received between Oct., 1940, and Mar., 1942, a total of 503 mg. of diethylstilbestrol administered in 70 intramusc. injs. of 5 mg. each and 153 injs. of 1 mg. each. Two patients received in 2 mos. a total of 76 mg. and 2 patients in 1 mo. 52 mg. and 74 mg. respectively. In all the cases treated this method of therapy brought about prompt relief of pain and urinary symptoms and a general improvement in health. Two bedridden patients were restored to activity in 4 and 6 wks. respectively. The clinical improvement was associated in all instances with a regression of the malignant lesion and with a regression of metastatic lesions to the bones (in the only case in which roentgenologic observations were possible). Gynecomastia was observed in 1 case but was only transient. Histologic studies in above cases showed that the treatment was associated with definite regressive changes in the nucleus and cytoplasm of the tumor cells.