INTRODUCTIONThis paper forms the second and last part of a study of the vertical distribution and migration of pelagic Amphipoda based on material collected off Fuertaventura, Canary Islands, during the SOND Cruise in 1965. The first part (Thurston, 1976b) dealt with the Gammaridea. The data presented herein deal with the Hyperiidea, to which is added a general discussion.The background to the cruise has been given by Currie, Boden & Kampa (1969), and Foxton (1969) has described the gear and methods used. This analysis is based primarily on samples obtained from a series of 1 m2ring-net (N 113) hauls, but has been supplemented by selected materials from modified 3 m Isaacs-Kidd Mid-water Trawl (IKMT), neuston net and 1 m2Rectangular Mid-water Trawl (RMT 1) hauls. Thurston (1976b) has discussed the limitations of the sampling techniques as they affect the present results.

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