Cellulase, polygalacturonase (PG), pectinmethylesterase (PME), respiration, and ethylene production were determined in single “Fuerte” avocado fruits from the day of harvest through the start of fruit breakdown. PME declined from its maximum value at the time of picking to a low level early in the climacteric. PG activity was not detectable in the preclimacteric stage, increased during the climacteric, and continued to increase during the postclimacteric phase to a level three times greater than when the fruit reached the edible soft stage. Cellulase activity was low in the preclimacteric fruit, started to increase just as respiration increased, and reached a level two times greater than at the edible soft stage. Cellulase activity started to increase 3 days before PG activity could be detected. Increased production of ethylene followed the increase in respiration and cellulase activity by about 1.5 days. These results indicate that a close relation exists between the rapid increase in the cell wall-depolymerizing enzymes and the rise in respiration and ethylene production and refocused attention on the role of the cell wall and the associated plasma membrane in the early events of fruit ripening.