Of 2,820 early post-larval unsexed crabs collected by small-meshed trawl in two regions of the Queen Charlotte Islands, 1,175 were measured and the 1st and 2nd post-larval instars were identified as modes at 6.9 and 10.0 mm, respectively. Increments of 5 unsexed moulted crabs, carapace widths 6.80 to 9.96 mm, were from 36.3 to 46.5%. A total of 284 males, from 83 to 186 mm, moulted in crab traps, live-wells, and while at large as tagged specimens; 44 females, from 88 to 145 mm, moulted in traps. Using equations of regression of new carapace width on old width for both sexes and starting at the 2nd instar, average carapace widths were calculated for instars 3 to 15. In the width-frequency distributions of 8,145 crabs, separation of stages was sufficient for identification of age-groups. It is estimated that a year after hatching, males reach stage 5 or 6 (24.2 or 31.1 mm); after 2 years stage 11 or 12 (96.6 or 119.5 mm) is attained; after 3 years stage 13 (146.9 mm); after 4 years most males are in the 14th stage (176.2 mm) and above the British Columbia legal size of 165 mm; and generally after 5 years males are in stage 15 (207.5 mm). Growth of females is similar for 2 years, but afterwards is slower.