The Effects of Blockade of the Autonomic Ganglia on the Urinary Bladder in Man

Since it was shown that parenteral admn. of the tetra-ethyl ammonium ion produces an impairment in the ability of autonomic ganglia to transmit nerve impulses, the authors investigated the effects of tetra-ethyl ammonium bromide on the urinary bladder and the act of micturition. Sixteen normal patients were examined by the cystometric method, before and after the intraven. admn. of 500 mg. of the drug. A complete response to the drug was arbitrarily designated as one in which voiding contraction of the detrusor is abolished and the patient is unable to void and a partial response in which the patient incompletely empties the bladder with a resultant large residual urine and in which the bladder capacity is greatly increased. 75% of the normal bladders demonstrated a partial or complete response to tetra-ethyl ammonium bromide.