The suggestion by Keffer of an anisotropic superexchange of the Moriya type in βMnS led to the present detailed calculation. Whereas Moriya's work was confined to ions with one electron in the 3d shell and to cases of low symmetry, this calculation was performed for a half-filled 3d shell and tetrahedral symmetry. The unperturbed state was taken to consist of two Mn++ ions together with their common S nearest neighbor, each in a tetrahedral crystal field. The perturbing Hamiltonian contained the electronic spin-orbit interaction and the Coulomb interaction between electrons on neighboring ions. The mechanism involved going from the ground state to an excited crystal field state on one Mn++ ion by the spin-orbit effect, then back to the ground state by superexchange between the Mn's. The direction of the D vector was found to be perpendicular to the plane of the three ions, and its magnitude of the order of a superexchange integral times the spin-orbit parameter over a crystal field splitting energy. The existence of the effect depends importantly upon π overlap between the Mn and S orbitals.