The Ants of Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island

Discusses geological and geographical factors bearing upon the occurrence of ants in these inlands. Compares with ant faunas of New Caledonia, Loyalty Isls. and New Zealand, which are here listed. Gives annotated list of 14 ant forms from Lord Howe Isl. and 12 from Norfolk Isl. Ponera leae ssp. oculata* (p. 130) ; P. mina* (p. 130) ; Pheidole ampla ssp. norfolkensis* (p. 134) ; Monomorium (Notomyrmex) sanguinolentum (p. 135); M. (N.) howense* (p. 138) ; Cardiocondyla nuda ssp. nereis (p. 140) ; Tetramorium antipodum* (p. 143) ; Orectognathus antennatus v. howensis* (p. 145) ; Iridomyrmex albitarsus* (p. 147) ; Camponotus (Colobopsis) howensis* (p. 152) .