Effect of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas on response of ‘Grasslands Huia’ and ‘Tamar’ white clovers to phosphorus

Inoculation with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi stimulated the uptake of soil P and enhanced the growth of white clover [Trifolium repens] at low levels of applied P. At high levels of applied P mycorrhizal fungi depressed growth. ''Tamar'' white clover outyielded ''Grasslands Huia'', particularly at the high levels of applied P. At the lowest level of applied P ''Tamar'' had more of its roots converted to mycorrhizas and was more mycotrophic than ''Huia''. Endomycorrhizas formed by the indigenous fungi may benefit field-grown white clover in Warepa silt loam with applications of up to and possibly in excess of 10 kg P/ha.