Morphometric measurements and RNA content of axotomized feline cervical motoneurons

Microspectrophotometric estimates of RNA content and morphometric measurements of cytoplasmic, nuclear and nucleolar areas were made on 30 to 60 motoneurons (somal areas > 1000 μm2) ipsilateral and contralateral to brachial plexotomy performed unilaterally on adult cats 2–90 days before sacrifice. Nerve cells of unoperated animals were also assayed. Somal and cytoplasmic areas of axotomized motoneurons were larger than those of the corresponding, contralateral motor nerve cells 4, 6 and 75 days postoperatively. Because of between animal variability, it could not be determined, however, whether this difference was due to an increase in the area of the axotomized motoneurons or to a decrease in the area of the contralateral nerve cells. Nucleolar sizes did not change. In contrast, nuclei of axotomized motoneurons showed a temporary but unequivocal areal decrease. The cytoplasmic RNA content of axotomized motoneurons fell 14–28 days postoperatively but rose thereafter, being increased slightly but significantly 75–90 days after operation. At no postoperative interval, however, did the nucleolar RNA content of the axotomized cells deviate unequivocally from the unoperated or zero day condition. The following points may be emphasized: 1. these results differ from similar measurements of axotomized motoneurons of rodents and lagomorphs; 2. the data do not provide certain evidence of change in either morphometric parameters or RNA content of motoneurons on the side contralateral to surgery, although the possibility of a decrease in the size of these uninjured neurons should be considered; 3. morphometric and RNA measurements on axotomized peripheral (extrinsic) neurons of spinal anterior horn of cat contrast with similar measurements on axotomized central (intrinsic) neurons of cat red nucleus.