The term pyodermia gangrenosum signifies a suppurative destructive process of the skin. In recent literature, a definite relationship between certain well defined ulcerative lesions of the skin and infections of long duration elsewhere in the body has been noted. The study and observation of such a case prompt us to report our findings. Our patient, a woman, showed a widespread progressive ulceration of the skin. She also suffered from a prolonged infection of the gallbladder and marked pyuria. It was evident that the lesions of the skin were directly dependent on these conditions. Accompanying an exacerbation of either condition there was a marked recrudescence of the ulcers. The apparently parallel relationship between an underlying infection and certain types of cutaneous lesions is the unusual feature of the condition. The recognition of this fact moved Brunsting, Goeckerman and O'Leary1to report a group of similar cases. They