A self-consistent analysis of the JPC=0++ partial waves obtained from high-statistics Kπ, KK¯, and ππ data has been performed to verify the existence and to determine the resonance parameters of the I=12 and I=0 scalar mesons. A mass-dependent parametrization of the Kπ partial wave yields one and only one strange scalar meson, the κ(1510), with a width of several hundred MeV. Isoscalar O++ mesons found in simultaneous fits to KK¯ and ππ data are the ε(800), S*(1005), and ε(1540) with widths of about 1000, 8, and 200 MeV, respectively. No simple interpretation of all these states and the δ(980) and possible δ(1300) as qq¯ mesons, qq¯ qq¯ bound states, or gluon-gluon bound states exists. Possible candidates for an SU(3) nonet of qq¯ states are found to be (a) ε(800), ε(1540), σ(980), and κ(1540) or (b) S*(1005), ε(1540), σ(1300), and κ(1540). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.19.2678 © 1979 The American Physical Society