A New Device for the Solution of Transient-Vibration Problems by the Method of Electrical-Mechanical Analogy

This paper describes a new device, the mechanical-transients analyzer, for solving transient-vibration problems by the principle of electrical-mechanical analogy. Analogous electrical circuits are used to represent a mechanical system. For these, special low-loss electrical elements have been developed so that low-loss mechanical systems can be studied. The transient excitation functions, such as force, displacement, or velocity, are applied to the equivalent mechanical circuit as transient voltages or currents by means of special electrical circuits developed for the purpose. The various electrical-mechanical analogies that can be used for problems of this type are discussed, and it is shown that the principal factor determining the choice of analogy is the mechanical variable that it is desired to record. The use of the device is illustrated for several types of problems, including the ridability of vehicles, and the shaft torques developed in turbogenerators by electrical short-circuits. Many other problems involving transients in mechanical systems can be solved with this method.