Biochemical and Physiological Clues to the Nature of Psoriasis

It is a great privilege and honor to be here today to give one of the John E. Rauschkolb Memorial Lectures. Many of us knew Dr. Rauschkolb personally, and I am certain that all of us who did must realize that the greatness of the Academy is in large part the result of the constant devotion and energy he gave to the Academy. Societies must never be viewed as arising and developing spontaneously. They always derive origin, power, and scope from men, from leaders like John E. Rauschkolb. When our late beloved president, Nelson Paul Anderson, asked us to discuss the physiology and chemistry of psoriasis, he did so with full knowledge that we had done no experimental work in this field. We accepted the invitation with just this proviso: that we be allowed to appear before you as reporters of the old as well as the recent