Patterns of mineral nutrient fluctuations in soybean leaves in relation to their position

Dry weight accumulation in blades for the trifoliolate leaf as well as the concentration per gram of dry weight and accumulation of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) were determined during the vegetative and reproductive phases at different leaf positions of soybean [Glycine max (L) Merrill, var. Halle] grown in the field without fertilization. The leaf blades at each position were sampled three times at seven day intervals. Mature (middle) leaves showed a higher rate of dry weight accumulation particularly during the vegetative stage in comparison to the older (lower) and younger (upper) leaves. These differences increased with the progress of plant growth. The minimization to zero of the rate of dry weight accumulation in blades after the development of pods is differentiated in leaves of different age. The N, P, and K concentration in leaf blades increase and those of Ca and Mg decrease from older (lower) to mature (middle) and younger (upper) leaves. Rates of N and P accumulation at the vegetative stage are greater than the rate of dry weight accumulation. During the reproductive stage, P mobilization and transport to reproductive sinks was observed. Older and mature leaves sustain significant levels of N and P up to the end of the plant life cycle. In the upper leaves, the decline of N and P concentration during the same period is ascribed to dilution and change of the carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio due to the late increase of dry weight. Potassium in blades of mature and upper leaves seems to be mobilized to reproductive sinks. This did not seem likely for the lower leaves. High Ca concentration in the blades was attributed to the high level of available Ca in the soil, combined with the prevalence of dry growth conditions during the summer. The rate of Ca accumulation is smaller than the rate of dry weight accumulation during the vegetative stage and greater during the reproductive one. The Mg fluctuations indicate a small influence of reproductive sinks on Mg concentration in the blades. The older leaves have the greatest Ca and Mg concentrations compared to the mature and upper leaves. In lower leaves, indications of faster Mg redistribution are found. Iron, Cu, and Zn concentrations in the blades are higher before flowering, then afterwards in a contrary manner than that for Mn. A decline of Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn concentration in blades from the lower to the mature and upper leaves was determined. Iron shows the greatest change with the highest concentration being during the early vegetative stage and a rapid decline shortly afterwards. Older leaves were found to be significant Fe reserves during the vegetative stage, while after pod development, they present an impressive accumulation of Zn and Mn.