Cold-stage microscopy system for fast-frozen liquids

The least artifact-laden fixation technique for examining colloidal suspensions, microemulsions, and other microstructured liquids in the electron microscope appears to be thermal fixation, i.e., ultrafast freezing of the liquid specimen. For rapid-enough cooling and for observation in TEM/STEM a thin sample is needed. The need is met by trapping a thin layer ( approximately 100 nm) of liquid between two polyimide films ( approximately 40 nm thickness) mounted on copper grids and immersing the resulting sandwich in liquid nitrogen at its melting point. For liquids containing water, polyimides films are used since this polymer is far less susceptible to the electron beam damage observed for the commonly used polymer films such as Formvar and collodion in contact with ice. Transfer of the frozen sample into the microscope column without deleterious frost deposition and warming is accomplished with a new transfer module for the cooling stage of the JEOL JEM-100CX microscope, which makes a true cold stage out of a device originally intended for cooling specimens inside the column. Sample results obtained with the new fast-freeze, cold-stage microscopy system are given.