Reactive Scattering of K by HBr, DBr in Crossed Molecular Beams: Angular and Velocity Distributions of KBr in Laboratory and c.m. Systems

Measurements of the velocity and angular distribution of KBr formed in reactive collisions between crossed molecular beams of velocity‐selected K and thermal HBr(DBr) at a collision energy of 2.8 kcal/mole are described. The results have been subjected to a computer analysis to extract information about the center‐of‐mass (c.m.) distributions. For both isotopic systems, the c.m. recoil energy distributions are broad, and are similar in shape. The c.m. angular distributions are also broad; HBr shows relatively greater wide‐angle scattering than DBr. The total reactive cross section for K+HBr is 40% larger than that for K+DBr. Measurements of the angular distribution of nonreactively scattered K agree well with the results of Airey et al. in the region of the rainbow angle.