Search for a Parity-Violating Energy Difference between Enantiomers of a Chiral Iron Complex

Mössbauer spectra for l and d enantiomers of the Fe(phen)3Sb2(C4H2O6)2̇8H2O complex are reported. Four independent experiments show a small but reproducible energy shift of the Fe-Mössbauer spectra for the two enantiomers of 0.004±0.002mm/sec ( 1.9×1010eV). This exceedingly small energy difference is comparable to that predicted by the parity-violating energy difference (PVED) using a Z6.2 scaling law applied to low Z ( Z=6) molecules. Theoretical calculations suggest that the PVED for the Fe(phen)32+ moiety should be smaller than this estimate, however, PVED effects of the chiral antimony tartrates are not taken into account.