Spatially Distributed Dominant Excitation Frequencies Reveal Hidden Organization in Atrial Fibrillation in the Langendorff‐Perfused Sheep Heart

Dominant Frequencies Organization in AF Introduction: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is characterized by complex wave propagation, yet periodic excitation suggesting a high degree of organization may be revealed during sustained AF. We provide a systematic quantification of the spatial distribution of dominant frequencies (DFs) of local excitation on the epicardium of the right atrial (RA) free wall and left atrial (LA) appendage of the isolated sheep heart during AF. The data reveal, for the first time, hidden organization, independent of the activation sequences or nature of electrograms. Methods and Results: In 13 Langendorff‐perfused sheep hearts, AF was induced in presence of 0.1 to 0.6 μM acetylcholine. Video movies (potentiometric dye di‐4‐ANEPPS) of the RA and LA (>30,000 and >20,000 pixels, respectively) were obtained at 120 frames/sec and a biatrial electrogram was recorded. Spectral analyses were performed on movies with DF maps constructed. During AF, the activity formed stable discrete domains with uniform DFs within each domain. Acceleration of AF Increased the number of domains (R = 0.81, P < 0.0001) and the DF variance (R = 0.63, P < 0.001), indicating a decrease in organization. Also, the LA was faster and more homogenous, with smaller number of DF domains, compared to the RA (P < 0.00001). Conclusion: In this model, AF is characterized by multiple domains with distinct DFs on the atrial epicardium. The decrease in domain area with increased rate suggests that AF results from high‐frequency impulses that undergo spectral transformations. The LA is generally faster and more organized than the RA, suggesting that the sources for the impulses are localized to the LA.