In Vitro Selection of State-Specific Peptide Modulators of G Protein Signaling Using mRNA Display

The G protein regulatory (GPR) motif is a ∼20-residue conserved domain that acts as a guanine dissociation inhibitor (GDI) for Gi/oα subunits. Here, we describe the isolation of peptides derived from a GPR consensus sequence using mRNA display selection libraries. Biotinylated Giα1, modified at either the N or C terminus, serves as a high-affinity binding target for mRNA-displayed GPR peptides. In vitro selection using mRNA display libraries based on the C terminus of the GPR motif revealed novel peptide sequences with conserved residues. Surprisingly, selected peptides contain mutations to a highly conserved Arg in the GPR motif, previously shown to be crucial for binding and inhibition activities. The dominant peptide from the selection, R6A, and a minimal 9-mer peptide, R6A-1, do not contain Arg residues yet retain high affinity (KD = 60 and 200 nM, respectively) and specificity for the GDP-bound state of Giα1, as measured by surface plasmon resonance. The selected peptides also maintain GDI activity for Giα1, inhibiting both the exchange of GDP in GTPγS binding assays and the AlF4--stimulated enhancement of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. The kinetics of GDI activity, however, are different for the selected peptides and demonstrate biphasic kinetics, suggesting a complex mechanism for inhibition. Like the GPR motif, the R6A and R6A-1 peptides compete with Gβγ subunits for binding to Giα1, suggesting their use as activators of Gβγ signaling.