Natufian Remains in Hayonim Cave

Five successive stages of Natufian occupation were recognized within Stratum В at Hayonim Cave. Most of the Natufian remains unearthed to date suggest that the cave proper was used primarily for burial purposes. However, some as yet incomplete evidence indicates an habitation and fragmentary floors of packed earth. The principal finds of the excavation include a number of graves, dug into earlier strata and into Natufian deposits. The stone industry includes chiefly : burins, microliths, geometric microliths, notches, and denticulates. The site has a particularly rich bone industry as well as pounding and grinding tools. Hayonim is likely to be a "base camp" like Eynan, Nahal Oren, El-Wad, Shuqbah, Kebara, Erq el-Ahmar and Beidha.