A system employing a mass spectrometer as a continuous flow gauge has been used to study the oxygen evolved from aluminum‐coated glass as a result of electron bombardment. The outgassing from most glasses is found to fit the empirical equation Q=Q(1‐exp‐t/K). In this equation Q is the sum of the oxygen released during the bombardment time t and that evolved during a subsequent thermal outgas and Q is the maximum amount of oxygen expected from a sample bombarded for long times. Experimental results from Code 8603 glass indicate that Q is a measure of the range of 10‐ to 27‐keV electrons in glass, K varies inversely with electron current per unit mass of glass affected, and that electron current density may have a secondary effect on electron range in bulk glass. Oxygen outgassing data are presented from 12 commercial glasses subjected to 150 μA of 20‐keV electrons bombarding a 3‐×¾‐in. area. A mechanism of oxygen release is proposed which involves the dissipation of electron energy, the charge produced in the glass by the electrons, and the availability of nonbridging oxygen atoms in the glass structure.

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