An electromagnetic isotope separator and a 600 kV ion accelarator have been used for the production of energetic beams of radioactive 51Cr ions from 5 to 450 keV. The chemical fate of singly-and doubly-charged chromium ions in KClO4, K2CrO4, K2SO4, Na2MoO4, mixed K2CrO4+K2SO4 crystals, and mixed K2CrO4+K2BeF4 crystals have been studied using a tracer technique. A comparison between the distribution of 51Cr atoms among the possible chemical forms produced with accelerated 51Cr ions and chemical effects of recoils from nuclear reactions in K2CrO4, and in the mixed crystal systems show similar features. Evidence for the presence of chromous ions in KClO4, K2SO4, and the mixed crystal systems is presented. The chemical distribution of the 51Cr atoms depends on the chemical composition of the target, the target preparation method, the energy, and the charge of the accelerated ions, and on the dose received. Further evidence for an electronic annealing mechanism for irradiated potassium chromate is obtained.