Uric Acid Production in Normal and Gouty subjects, Determined by by N15 Labeled Glycine.

Summary 1. Glycine was synthesized by the Schoenheimer and Ratner method with a modification (ion exchange resins) which in our hands gave better yields. 2. N15 tagged glycine was fed to a normal and to a gouty subject while they were on the same constant, low protein, low purine, 2000-calorie diet. Daily urine samples were analyzed for total nitrogen and uric acid, as well as for isotope concentration in these 2 fractions. 3. No significant difference could be found between the 2 subjects in the isotope distribution of the total nitrogen or uric acid. The percentage of N15 excreted as uric acid was no greater in the gouty than in the normal subject. The significance of this finding in relation to the pathogenesis of gout is discussed.