Pelvic relaxation and associated risk factors, The results of logistic regression analysis

To determine the possible risk factors in our population. From 250 patients attending our clinic 28 patients with pelvic relaxation were the study group and the rest, 222 in all, were the control group. Age, marriage period, parity and number of abortus in pelvic relaxation group are found to be significantly higher with univariate analysis. With logistic regression analysis menopause, grandmultiparity, abortus (two or more), home deliveries, history of macrosomic infant (4500 gr. or more), deliveries without episiotomy and laceration of uterine cervix are found to be risk factors for pelvic relaxation. Good family planning programs to reduce grandmultiparity and unnecessary curettage for undesired pregnancies, preventing harmful home deliveries by inexperienced people, and fearless usage of episiotomy in difficult deliveries are necessary to prevent pelvic relaxation.