The temperature and magnetic-field dependences of the sublattice magnetization in the hexagonal layertype compound CrCl3 (TN=16.8°K) have been deduced from the Cr53 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for 0.4T8.1°K and 0H10 kOe. The observed zero-field data can be accounted for over the whole temperature range by a renormalized spin-wave model based on isotropic ferromagnetic (JT) intralayer and antiferromagnetic (JL) interlayer exchange interactions in the presence of a weak effective anisotropy field (HA). Appropriate renormalized spin-wave dispersion relations are given for the four-sublattice antiferromagnetic (weak-field) and two-sublattice ferromagnetic (strong-field) equilibrium spin configurations. The validity of the two-dimensional approximation to these states is examined in detail for kBT>2|JL|zLS and |JL|JT. It is shown that under these conditions the sublattice magnetizations for JL<0 and JL>0 are identical. The three-dimensional zero-field spin-wave fit gives JTkB=5.25°K, HA(0)=650 Oe and a 0°K, zero-field Cr53 frequency ν(0)=63.318 Mc/sec. Parallel magnetic susceptibilities calculated with these parameters in the range 0.4<T8.1°K are in quantitative agreement with experimental values based on measured splittings of the Cr53 NMR in weak fields (H100 Oe). The interlayer constant, JLkB=0.018°K, used in the spin-wave calculations was obtained from single-crystal bulk magnetization measurements (χ=9.9 emu/mole for T4°K), corrected for demagnetizing effects. These measurements show that the net anisotropy in the ferromagnetic state (i.e., H1.68 kOe) is zero, presumably because of a cancellation of dipolar and single-ion contributions. The sublattice magnetization...