Intracellular Distribution of Vit. B12-Co60 in Liver and Kidney of B12 Deficient and Normal Rats.

Summary 1) In a study of intracellular distribution of radioactivity of B12-Co60, the mitochondrial fraction of livers of B12 deficient rats takes up more radioactivity than does this fraction of normal animals. This increases between 12 hours and 30 days. 2) At 12 hours the supernatant fraction of kidneys of normal and deficient animals is highest in radioactivity, however, at the end of 30 days, radioactivity in the mitochondrial fraction is greatest. 3) There is a transfer of rad ioact ive B12 to liver from extrahepatic sources. 4) Radioactivity of Co60Cl2 is not retained by fractions of tissues as is that of B12-Co60.