The diversity and seasonal abundance of birds at Christchurch Airport, their food and feeding habits, and the phenology of the food resource were studied in 1968-69 as part of an investigation of the bird hazard to aircraft. The birds either fed and roosted on the airport or flew over or close to it. Seasonal trends in the diet of black-backed gulls (Larus dominicanus), black-billed gulls (L. bulleri), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) and magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen hypoleuca) were determined by examining the gizzard contents of birds shot while they were feeding on the airfield. Marked food preferences were noticeably lacking, except that black-backed gulls fed exclusively on earthworms. Black-billed gulls, starlings, and magpies took a variety of insects, earthworms, arachnids and, to a less extent, seeds. Species diversity, seasonal distribution and abundance of invertebrates and seeds showed that the birds were opportunist feeders on a succession of temporarily abundant food, and their presence on the airfield was determined largely by the availability of invertebrates and seeds.